Explore the Boundless Realms of Neon Creativity and Vision...
Welcome to Sharmaine Kwan's neon world —a fusion of Hong Kong's luminous past and vibrant future.
As a multi-disciplinary artist immersed in the city's neon legacy, Sharmaine's contemporary creations transcend mediums, from traditional neon to digital and installation art. Her pieces reflect urban vibrancy, cultural shifts, and the nostalgia of Hong Kong's neon era.
Explore her virtual gallery, where each artwork breathes new life into neon artistry, blending tradition with innovation. Experience the essence of change and nostalgia through Sharmaine's captivating creations, a testament to neon's enduring legacy in a modern world.
In each zone at NEONOVA, visitors embark on an immersive journey where artistry, technology, neon light, and cultural philosophy converge with futuristic concepts, drawing inspiration from the vibrant essence of Hong Kong. This captivating experience awaits all who seek to explore its unique blend of beauty and creativity. The different zones and areas include:
Immerse Yourself in a World of Digital Sublime
Enjoy a collection of specially curated digital art and animations highlighting Sharmaine's signature pieces. Also find "Urban Cosmos" in this zone, one of the artist's favourite installations featuring projection mapping and interactive features. Igniting your imagination, the "Immersive Zone" offers a sanctuary for inspiration and reflection.
Be Enlightened by the Wisdom of Ancient Chinese Philosophy
Embark on a soul-stirring journey through the artist's 'Neon Enlightenment' series, where ancient Chinese wisdom meets a contemporary twist, inviting you to discover new perspectives and experience a profound sense of inner resonance.
Find How Millions were Inspired
Discover a radiant showcase of Sharmaine's mesmerizing neon art projects which have not only attracted but also inspired millions worldwide. Explore a highlight of the most captivating projects to date, where the harmonious blend of the physical and digital worlds gently stirs emotions, kindles inspiration, and nurtures your creative essence.
Reminiscing Tomorrow: Hong Kong's Nostalgic Futurism
Embark on a nostalgic exploration through a vibrant series that celebrates the essence of Hong Kong, a city that never sleeps. Drawing inspiration from its iconic skyscrapers, the Star Ferry, and the lively Temple Street, the artist captures the soul of her hometown, inviting you to rediscover cherished memories and immerse yourself in a wave of futurism and nostalgia.
NEONOVA: where vibrant hues dance with technology's embrace, illuminating a world where artistry and innovation converge. Step into a realm where neon light breathes life into futuristic visions, creating a symphony of creativity and wonder.
Welcome to NEONOVA, where the glow of tomorrow meets the artistry of today...
About Sharmaine Kwan
Sharmaine Kwan, a multi-disciplinary artist from Hong Kong, holds a deep appreciation for the city's neon sign legacy. Hong Kong was renowned for its vibrant neon signs that once illuminated the streets, boasting over 100,000 signs during its peak in the 1980s. However, as the city evolved and regulations changed, many of these iconic signs disappeared, leaving behind only memories. Determined to preserve the essence of neon, Sharmaine has immersed herself in creating a contemporary approach to neon art, using mediums ranging from traditional glass and LED lights to digital art, painting, sculpture, and installation art. Her pieces delve into urban landscapes and cultural nuances, breathing new life into the spirit of neon with a modern twist inspired by Hong Kong's golden era while embracing the possibilities of the future.
Collaborating with international brands and organizations such as YouTube, Hong Kong International Airport, and Cathay Pacific, her art has been showcased globally in cities like London, Moscow, and Hong Kong. Sharmaine has earned recognition through awards in prestigious art competitions and has actively engaged in overseas artist programs, expanding her creative horizons and enriching her artistic journey.